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March 13, 2025
Prairie Home Sampler Sew Along from Fat Quarter Shop's Jolly Jabber

What better way to celebrate Worldwide Quilting Day than to kick off the Prairie Home Sampler Sew Along from Lori Holt’s Prairie Home Quilt Book?! This quilt has everything a pioneering quilter could wish to sew, from prairie blooms to bonnets and baskets. Keep reading for all the details needed to participate in the quilty fun!

About The Quilt

A sampler quilt is a great way to celebrate a new quilting book because you get a little taste of everything the book has to offer in one scrumptious quilt! The finished Prairie Home Sampler quilt measures 73.5″ x ...

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October 18, 2024
Summer Sew Along from Becca's Crazy Projects

I finally got around to sewing my summer sew along blocks together. 
I cut and made the binding. 
And added the borders. Now all it needs is some backing and quilting. 

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September 6, 2024
Summer Sew Along from Becca's Crazy Projects

I finally finished all of my Summer Sew Along blocks and put set them out so I could put them all on the design wall. 
I'm pretty pleased with this layout. 
I pulled them all down from the design wall in neat little stacks so I can start to sew the rows together. 

Want to join in with the Summer Sew Along? The group is on Facebook: Nine Patch a Day 

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August 16, 2024
Stamp Along from Becca's Crazy Projects

I joined the Stamp Quilt Sew Along by Alison Glass. I bought the above fabrics for my stamp quilt.
The video instructions for how to make the block are great. Here is my first block inprogress.
I've done mitered corners before, and these aren't perfect, but it is nice to challenge myself. Only 31 left to go!

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August 13, 2024
Announcing The Quilted Snowman Quilt Along and Stitch Along! from Fat Quarter Shop's Jolly Jabber

Y’all have been loving The Quilted Snowman quilt pattern and cross stitch pattern, and we’re so excited to announce that we will be hosting a Quilt Along and Stitch Along for them! Join us for wintry fun featuring The Quilted Snowman by Lori Holt of Bee in My Bonnet starting in January 2025!

The Quilted Snowman Promotional Image

The Sew Along

The quilty version of this oh-snow-cute design is perfect for the confident beginner or intermediate quilter ...

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August 9, 2024
Summer Sew Along from Becca's Crazy Projects

I'm still working through the weekly blocks for the Summer Sew Along. Here we have block 7.
Here are is block 8. 
This is block 9. So much left to do on this summer sew along. I'm loving the slow and steady progress.

Want to join in with the Summer Sew Along? The group is on Facebook: Nine Patch a Day 

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July 23, 2024
Potato Chip Blocks Variation 2 is Closer to Done from Alamosa Quilter

 I'm getting closer to finishing up my potato chip quilt.

Quilted Potato Chip variation 2 quilt

I got it quilted this weekend. Next step is binding. I have some scrappy binding and I plan to use it for this scrappy quilt.

Check out the backing fabric I used. I found this in my stash.

Backing fabric
closeup of backing fabric

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Christmas in July Sew Along – Week 2 from From My Carolina Home

Today we’ll finish the piecing and do the quilting on the Christmas in July wall hanging. When we left off, there were two pieces ready to add borders. I used strips 2-1/2-inches wide of a dark background border. Begin by adding borders to the top and sides of the tree section.

On the pocket piece, sew borders to the sides and bottom.

Quilt both pieces as desired. Note that the pocket piece is too big right now (top to bottom), that will be adjusted later.

I quilted mine with a swirly freehand design in the white areas that ...

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July 17, 2024
Summer Sew Along from Becca's Crazy Projects

When the Summer Sew Along was just getting started, I decided I really liked the quilt. I also wanted to use fabrics I already had in my collection. I grabbed this multi-color print a friend gave me, and started pulling fabrics. The pattern calls for half-yard cuts and that isn't a size I usually buy. I did find a couple extra fabrics that I think will work into this quilt and had to narrow down the stack. I think it will be a great quilt. The background fabric is just Kona (I think it is the color Snow). 
Each ...

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June 26, 2024
Potato Chip Block (Variation 2) Sew Along :: My Blocks are Done! from Alamosa Quilter

 Things have settled down a bit for the moment with the POS switch. As with so many things, there is a lot of "hurry up and wait" with this. Since I didn't have to focus so much on the POS project last week I was able to get my blocks done.

12 Completed Potato Chip Blocks, variation 2

This week I will try to do the sashing I have planned and write up the instructions for that so that you can finish yours just like mine if you want to. If you don't, it won't hurt my feelings at all. It's YOUR quilt ...

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June 19, 2024
Potato Chip Block (Variation 2) Update :: A Bit of a Delay from Alamosa Quilter

 I'm having to change my point of sale system I use in my shop - not because I want to, I have to. I really love the system I am using, but it's being phased out so I have to switch. I've known this for some time, but recently there have been other factors that have forced me to make this switch immediately as opposed to at the end of the summer, like I planned. 

It's kind of like when you are forced to buy a new sewing machine, not because you want a new one but ...

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June 13, 2024
Potato Chip Block (variation 2) Sew Along Progress from Alamosa Quilter

 How are doing with your Potato Chip variation 2 blocks? I have four blocks completed and the other eight are in progress.

four completed blocks

Eight partial blocks

If you missed the instructions for these fun blocks, click the following link for them: Potato Chip Block Variation 2 Instructions

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June 10, 2024
Potato Chip Block (Variation 2) Sew Along :: Making the Blocks from Alamosa Quilter

This post contains all of the directions for making ONE Potato Chip Block (Variation 2). The instructions to make the original Potato Chip Block can be found by clicking the following link: Original Potato Chip Block

I cut scraps for most of this quilt. All of the "chip" pieces are scraps. I did use a single fabric as my accent fabric, but you could just pick a color and use a variety of fabrics of the same color. If you want to use the same fabric for the accent as I did, you'll need 1 to 1 1/2 ...

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June 1, 2024
Another Sew Along is in the Works from Alamosa Quilter

 I started cutting more potato chip pieces (2" by 3 1/2" pieces) in April and told my Facebook Sew Along Group (Alamosa Quilt Company Sew Along Group) that I was going to do another sew along with these in May. Well, May is almost over. I got sidetracked with "business stuff" that required my immediate attention. Then I was trying to do too much at once with this project. I have several different variations planned that I want to share with you. I was trying to do that all at once, but I think one at a time will ...

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April 4, 2024
WIP Wednesday #127- Wallet Sew Along, Painting Wood Earrings & More! from Crafty Gemini

Vanessa will be going LIVE to show you tell you all about the Essentials Wallet Sew Along that starts tomorrow, April 4, 2024. She will also be answering questions live about the wallet & course.

She will also share what she’s been making with her new laser cutting & engraving machine. Lots of fun crafts to chat about on today’s show! Join us!

❤ Essentials Wallet Course on sale:

❤ Laser cutting machine I use to make wooden earrings (affiliate link):

❤ Easter earring cut file I used (affiliate link): ...

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December 29, 2023
Martha Washington Star Patchwork from The Chester County Criswell Quilt



 Block 15 of the Sew-a-Long 1930s Style is the Martha Washington Star. I have done a previous post on this pattern but it's worth looking at again.


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August 21, 2023
Quilt Sew-a-Long 1930s Style from The Chester County Criswell Quilt

 I am preparing to run a Block of the Week sew-a-long and I would love you to join me!



What's involved?  

The sew-a-long is based on traditional blocks from the 1930s. Everyone is familiar with the Kansas City Star newspaper that printed a patchwork pattern every week. The KC Star was certainly the first and the longest running pattern publisher, but did you know that there were dozens of syndicated columns with hundreds of newspapers also publishing patterns?  That is the inspiration for this sew-a-long.

 Each 6-inch block will be accompanied by some historic information, a picture of the ...

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May 18, 2023
Triangles everywhere, all at once from Ellyn's Place

 I just realized I left you hanging. I never shared my completed Improv Triangle Sewalong quilt.... although I did share some of my process here. Well it's finished! Introducing, Triangles everywhere, all at once...

The improv triangle units were made using the process Nicholas Ball spells out in his book, Inspiring Improv. I used fabric I had painted with my gel plate and acrylic paints for the triangles and assorted teal, aqua and orange solids from my stash.

When it came time to quilt, I went a little bananas! It is all walking foot quilted on my domestic machine ...

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March 31, 2023
Zig Zag Quilt :: A Finish from Alamosa Quilter

 My second finish for this week!

My zig zag quilt finished

This was the project from my most recent Sew Along from earlier this month. Such a fun and easy block to make!

Cindy C. also participated and sent me a photo of her completed top.

Cindy C's zig zag quilt top

Cindy used a variety of light colored solids for the light fabric in her blocks. I love it!

Both of our quilts finish at 40" by 48" which is a great baby quilt size and charity quilt size.

If you want to make one too, the instructions for this block can be found by following the link above the ...

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March 29, 2023
A Finish :: My Potato Chip Block Quilt from Alamosa Quilter

 I've been working to finish things recently.

My potato chip block quilt finished

Some folks have told me that it looks like a jumbled mess. Yes, it's hard to see the actual block and it's really scrappy. There was no plan for this. I just started sewing pieces together and didn't worry too much about it. But I like scrappy quilts. And I like this one. If you don't, then fine - it's not your quilt.

Barb H. participated in the Sew Along too and recently sent me a photo of her finished quilt. She took color into account when making ...

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